Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Bob and Jane Video

Here's a video walk through of the first part of the Bob and Jane problem.

And here are some examples of P4s work on this problem...

Monday, November 7, 2016

Data for Analysis

Here's a link to everyone (that submitted data)'s data and analysis from the accelerated cart lab.  Take a look at both sheets, and see if you can ID some patterns.
Accelerated Cart Data (constant system mass version)

Accelerated Cart Data (constant unbalanced Force version)

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Share Your Data and Analysis for the Lab

In order to identify the patterns for this investigation, it will be helpful if we can look at a data from a number of different groups.  To make it feasible to collaborate with students in the other periods, please enter your data and analysis tonight using one of the following links.

Window Side Groups
We purposefully changed the UnBalanced Force (aka Fu), and we took great care not change the amount of mass in the system.

Wall Side Groups
We purposefully changed the system mass, but were very careful not to change the UnBalanced Force (aka Fu).