Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Intro to the OPM

Alright, check this out (skip ahead to the 1:20 mark)...

How the heck did they get that to work?  Must be pretty complex, right?

Thankfully, the future is now, thanks to science!  So go check out these sims to better understand the science behind it, it's actually pretty simple:

  1. Form groups of your own choosing
  2. Get a lap top
  3. Go to either of these links (USE EXPLORER!!! (write which one you're choosing up on the board, so we get an even split, please and thanks!))
By this point in the year, you should have a solid enough command of how to collect data that will allow you to graph two variables in order to establish whether or not a relationship exists between them.  Each member of the group should have their own graph, or their own variables.  Obvs, you're limited to the variables that the sim will allow you to test, but it'd be cool if you could demonstrate a variable that does not affect the motion of your system.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Plans for Tuesday, April 4 2017

Here are the notes for the "Snowman" problem.  If an object is not accelerating, it must satisfy the three conditions for equilibrium, Sum Fx=0, Sum Fy=0, and Sum Torque=0.

Use your time today to work on the torque problems on the worksheets, we'll have a webassign dealing with these topics that will be due on Sunday evening.